Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hope Filled New Year

I'm reflecting on 2007 and very hope filled about 2008. It is a cold winter morning here in GA and most of the eastern US. I beginning to get my new cranked back up after being off for Christmas and New Years. It's fun having time off to be with family and mine was awesome. I have an amazing family. I started getting the fever to get back to work - as Dave Ramsey says,"get of the cave go kill something and drag it back home so the family can eat". In my case I need to work some contracts to sell homes for my family to eat. I've begun my 2008 Marketing Plan and I hope to make more contact with more people and sell more homes in 2008! If you or someone you know needs to buy or sell a house, land or commercial property - I will work my back side off to make it happen. I am hope filled and ready to jump in. Let's do it!!

Real Estate is NOT dead!

Real Estate is not dead - it's just slow. We hear so much in the news about how bad the housing market is and it has slowed down. I believe that the news media really thrives on bad news. My mom used to say you could always find something good to say about anyone. There has been a lot of focus on recent mortgage companies going under. If you'd look at their business model and their history it's a wonder that they havn't failed before now. They were doing high-risk loans to people who couldn't make a car payment, let alone a mortgage payment. I still believe that the american dream is still alive and well and there are great realtors and lenders ready to serve by putting buyers into a good home with a good loan. I also believe that if the news media would work at reporting the good news facts along with the bad news facts the counsumer confidence would return in a noticable fashion. Buyers are still looking for homes - in fact everyone needs a place to live so I'm pressing on - working hard every day to sell homes for my sellers and help buyers make good choices and safe purchases in a new or used home. The american dream of home ownership lives on!